青团运成立于70年代的大马社会,当时因为受到全球思想意识形态斗争的左右,青年对社会现状的不满,改造社会的呼声强烈。对抗局面引起社会动荡,唯恐长久下去对华社不利,国内的一些党团有识之士,就倡议筹组一个青年组织,不分党派和籍贯以凝聚华青力量,以另一种方式展开斗争,而这个新的组织就顾名思义命名为马来西亚青年团结运动。 从马六甲发起以来,青团运获得党团人士的鼎力支持,并采取中庸的斗争路线,与友族青年组织发展良好关系,共同参与全民社会运动。
青团运主办的活动涵盖各个层面,即有球类活动、康乐活动、时事活动、青年培训计划、也有思想意识活动,深入社会各个层面。 至今,青团运已拥有自己的行政与活动会所,更是首个获得青年团体注册局批准注册的华基青年组织。
GBBM was founded in 1975 in Tehel, a village in Malacca. Since then, GBBM has expanded from this small village to many towns and villages all over Malaysia. To have gone this far and wide, the path of GBBM has been a journey of many hurdles.
Presently, GBBM is about 300 clubs strong, geographically spanning the whole of Malaysia, inclusive of Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia.
The GBBM Charter President was Mr. Tee An Chuan, followed by Datuk Low Teh Hian, Mr. Lee Cheok Kuan MPA, Mr. Chan Teck Yin, Dato Ho Teck Kuen, Mr. Low Eng Tack,Mr. Chook Wai Mun, Mr. Beh Hong Gi, Mr. Wong Kam Loon and the current President Mr. Lim Soon Pin , respectively. Through their leadership, each president has imparted their personal styles and influenced the culture and spirit of GBBM.
GBBM was founded in the 1970s. During that period, the world was rife with dissatisfaction and a deep cry for social revolution. The fear of social uprising which might negatively affect the lives of the Chinese in Malaysia presented a need for a platform for the Chinese youths of Malaysia to voice their thoughts and respond positively to the challenges of the period, through a proper channel. Thus, a non-government organization for youth movement was set up for the youths of Malaysia, irrespective of clan or political party. This organization was named 'United Youth Movement of Malaysia' or 'Pertubuhan Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia.
The unique principle on which GBBM was founded, being a non-government organization, without party nor clan discrimination, was recognised as a healthy platform for youths and received overwhelming support from all social and political parties. Healthy relationships with organizations of other ethnic groups were also established to jointly execute national projects together.
GBBM is recognized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports as a youth organization. Every year, they are invited to participate in national 'Youth Friendship programs', International Youth Exchange Programs as well as Overseas Study Tours.
GBBM is currently one of the members of the Malaysian Youth Council.
GBBM activities include sports activities, recreational activities, international Youth Exchange Programs, Youth Training as well as ideological activities (Personal Life Management programs). Currently, GBBM has its own administrative and operation centre and is officially registered with the Registrar of Societies.