3rd GBBM Youth Service Awards

《第三届青团运青年服务大奖》 3rd GBBM Youth Service Awards

Organiser: Pertubuhan Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia (GBBM)


  1. 表扬愿意为马来西亚青年无私奉献、持续热诚投入,并且身体力行,以服务马来西亚青年为己任的公民;并启发更多青年以得奖者为榜样,勇于为马来西亚未来作出承担和贡献。
    Acknowledge youth who contribute for the development of fellow youth by inspiring others.
  2. 鼓励及发掘优秀的青年,肯定得奖者的贡献,借此提升得奖者的形象及社会地位。
    Discovering more youth leaders, promote their works and recognize their contributions.
  3. 影响与鼓励更多人投身青年服务领域,给社会带来更正面的影响。
    Inspiring and encouraging more youths to contribute and involve themselves into social and community work.


  1. 不分年龄、种族及宗教背景。
    Regardless of age, ethnicity and religious background.
  2. 必须对青年组织有热忱,与社会大众互动良好,并深受大家的认同。
    Must be passionate about youth organizations, good interaction with the public, and deeply recognized by everyone.
  3. 拥有对青年活动及计划有贡献记录者。
    Who have a track record of contributions to youth activities and programs.


  1. 参选人必须获得至少一位提名人提名,自荐将不获受理。
    To be nominated by at least one nominator. Self-nominations will not be considered.
  2. 提名人及参选人需填妥提名表格,提名人需详细说明参选人的服务详情及提名原因。
    Nominators and candidates should complete the standard form and provide details of candidates' community and public service record and reasons for the nomination.
  3. 凡已获颁《青团运青年服务大奖》者不得再予以推荐。
    Anyone who has been awarded the “GBBM Youth Service Awards” cannot be recommended.


  1. 参选人须具备充分的服务记录,反映是项大奖的核心价值和信念,当中包括对马来西亚青年的承担,以及愿意为马来西亚青年作出贡献等。
    Detailed record of candidates’ community and public service, exemplifying the core values of service, which include dedication and commitment to youth.
  2. 参选人须以实证说明对青年的裨益,以及如何回应社会的需要。
    Evidence of measurable impact in meeting a community need.
  3. 参选人须拥有领导才能及良好品格,值得青年学习。
    Indicating candidates’ potential leadership skills and competencies, including abilities to be a role model to others.

提名开始 Application Start : 2019年5月1日(星期三) Wednesday, 1st May 2019
提名截止 Application Close : 2019年6月14日(星期五)Friday, 14th June 2019
颁奖典礼 Presentation Ceremony : 2019年7月19日(星期五)Friday, 19th July 2019


  1. 每年选出5位服务表现卓越者授予《青团运青年服务大奖》,每位得奖者获颁奖座及证书。
    The GBBM Youth Service Awards will honour five award winners of the most outstanding people in Malaysia every year. Each winner will receive a trophy and a certificate.
  2. 获奖者服务马来西亚青年的经历、学习和得着,将拍成短片并于不同媒体与网络平台播放;另外,亦将安排获奖者于其他媒介分享其亲身经验,以启发更多青年投身服务社会,为马来西亚作出承担和贡献。
    The service experience and commitment to Malaysian Youth of the five award winners will be recorded and broadcast through different media. Award winners will be invited to share their experiences through video and other broadcasts, in order to inspire others to serve Malaysian Youth.​

主办单位将聘请专业团体代表组成。The organiser will hire a professional group representative.


  1. 主办单位的决定为最后决定。The decision of the organiser is final.
  2. 若有需要,主办单位有权随时对此简章各项条文进行增删。
    The organiser reserves the right to add or delete the provisions of this chapter at any time if necessary.

请登入青团运网站 www.gbbm.org.my 下载提名表格,填妥后电邮至 gbbm@gbbm.org.my 或邮寄至马来西亚青年团结运动(青团运)总部Ibu Pejabat GBBM, 2nd Floor, No.8, Jalan Cempaka 14, Taman Cempaka, 68000 Ampang, Selangor.(信封抬头请写《青团运青年服务大奖秘书处》)

Please visit the official website of GBBM “www.gbbm.org.my” to download the application form, completed the form and email to gbbm@gbb.org.my or send to GBBM Headquarter at Ibu Pejabat GBBM, 2nd Floor, No.8, Jalan Cempaka 14, Taman Cempaka, 68000 Ampang, Selangor. (Please indicate “The Secretariat of GBBM Youth Service Awards” on the envelope)

【点击下载】>>> 第三届青团运青年服务大奖报名表格 <<<【点击下载】
【Click to download】>>> 3rd GBBM Youth Service Awards Nomination Form 

任何询问,可联系《青团运青年服务大奖》秘书处 03-9282 6936。
Any inquiry, please contact The Secretariat of GBBM Youth Service Awards at 03-9282 6936.